Let's make blood donation a habit

Your donation could mean the difference between life and death for someone in need. Join us in our mission to make a lasting impact through the simple act of giving blood.

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Reduces Risk of Heart Disease

Regular blood donation helps reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering the levels of iron in the blood. High levels of iron have been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Emergency preparedness

Blood donation ensures an adequate supply of blood for emergency situations, such as natural disasters, accidents, or mass casualty events. Having a sufficient blood supply readily available can be critical in responding to unforeseen circumstances

Medical treatments

Blood and blood components are used in various medical treatments beyond transfusions. For instance, plasma-derived products are crucial for treating patients with clotting disorders or immune deficiencies.

Research and Development

Blood donation contributes to medical research and the development of new treatments and technologies. Donated blood and its components are essential for studying diseases, testing new medications, and advancing medical knowledge.

Recent Articles

The blood donor's questionnaire & how to prepare for blood donation
31st, August 2024
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The blood donor's questionnaire & how to prepare for blood donation

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Uses of Blood and Blood Products
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Uses of Blood and Blood Products

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Rarest Red: Is Your Blood Type in High Demand?

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Will Blood Donation Improve My Health

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9 Blood donation Tales: The Truths you should know before donating

With approximately 200 million people in the country, a country like Nigeria needs an estimated 1.8 million units of blood per annum.

Here's how donor's benefit

Donating blood not only benefits recipients in need but also offers several health benefits to the donor.


Reduces Risk of Heart Disease

Regular blood donation helps reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering the levels of iron in the blood. High levels of iron have been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases.


Stimulates Blood Cell Production

Donating blood stimulates the bone marrow to produce new blood cells, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. This process helps maintain healthy blood circulation and oxygen transport in the body.


Maintains Iron Levels

Blood donation helps prevent the accumulation of excess iron in the body, which can be harmful to various organs and tissues. Balanced iron levels are essential for overall health and well-being.


Burns Calories

Donating blood burns approximately 650 calories for every pint donated. While not a substitute for regular exercise, this can be an additional benefit for those looking to manage their weight.


Provides Free Health Check-up

Blood donation centers typically conduct a health screening before each donation, including checking blood pressure, hemoglobin levels, and infectious disease screening. Donors receive feedback on their health status, providing an opportunity for early detection of potential health issues.


Boosts Emotional Well-being

Knowing that their donation can potentially save lives can evoke feelings of satisfaction and happiness in donors. Contributing to the well-being of others can also boost self-esteem and emotional well-being.